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Drawing Scanning – benefits

Having had over 15 years of experience scanning AO, A1, A2, size technical drawings, here at KDH Ltd we pride ourselves in giving superior colour or mono scans from technical drawings held on paper, tracing paper, velos, film, blueprints etc.

 What makes our scanning superior?

We only use very highly skilled persons with many years of scanning experience.

Also a top quality Contex wide format colour and mono scanner is used to ensure quality scans.

 What is so special about scanning a drawing?

Each paper drawing is unique. Every paper drawing requires a visual inspection before proceeding with the scan to guarantee a best quality scan. There are numerous scan settings and only a highly skilled operator will quickly identify best scan settings to guarantee quality scans. The drawing value also increases immediately with the use of an electronic document management system.

 What are the benefits of scanning paper drawings?

Drawing held on paper can fade over a period of time.

  • By scanning the drawings it ensures preservation

 Paper drawings take up a substantial amount of office space.

  • Valuable office space is released by scanning; you can store approx 1,000 scanned drawings on one CD!

 Drawings held on paper are not easy to locate and sometimes get misplaced or lost.

  • By scanning you will never lose or misplace a drawing. When using a document management system you will easily and quickly locate scanned drawings.

 Drawings held on paper are at risk to loss by fire or flooding

  • Once scanned the risk is totally eliminated by off site storage of scanned drawings on CD or various types of other storage media.

 Drawings held on paper are expensive to print and sometimes difficult to handle

  • Dramatically reduce printing costs by scanning. Once drawings are scanned they can be easily be printed at A3 and still be legible thus significantly reducing print paper costs.

 Paper drawings can sometimes be difficult to read due to dark backgrounds.

  • By scanning drawings with a dark background can be removed by our scanning techniques giving an enhanced and clearer drawing.

 Drawings held on paper are dumb!!

  • Once a drawing has been scanned it can easily be digitised to an intelligent vector CAD drawing.

 Please contact us for further information tel: 0843 523 5866

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